
Check if your symfony application is ready for deployment

Symfony Check
"This Module is Unavailable" error page
  • design

When a user requests a module declared as disabled in /apps/frontend/modules/mymodule/config/module.yml, symfony tries to access to the default/disabled action.

This Module is Unavailable

To customize the "This Module is Unavailable" page, add the executeDisabled() method in the apps/frontend/modules/default/actions/actions.class.php file:

 * Module disabled
public function executeDisabled()

Then create the apps/frontend/modules/default/templates/disabledSuccess.php template.

If you want, you can grab the original file and modify it.

Display the "This Module is Unavailable" page to test it

  1. Pass in the production environement
  2. In one of your modules, add in apps/frontend/modules/yourModule/config/module.yml:

      enabled:     false
  3. Clear cache
  4. Try to access to one of the module actions

If your default module is protected

Make sure to un-secure the disabled action in apps/frontend/modules/default/config/security.yml:

  is_secure: off

Using an other module

If you want to use an other module, modify apps/frontend/config/settings.yml:

    module_disabled_module: foo   # To be called when a user requests
    module_disabled_action: bar     # A module disabled in the module.yml

Clear your cache.

php symfony cc